How to pick a domain? Print

  • picking a domain name, domain name, 123line domain, domain, Hosting
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These days picking a domain name could be quite tricky, especially when finding your favourite Choice. There is a hierarchy when it comes to picking your domain,  dot-com would be at the top of that order then follows dot-net but some research needs to be done before picking a domain name. Then you would have the issue of finding a name that has not already been taken. It helps if you don't already have your heart set on a name and prepare yourself to be happy with something similar.  starting a business is not for everyone remember people also have a hierarchy that people refuse to recognise so starting a business is not for the weak-minded.  Getting a domain it's the first step to progress within a business idea, once you find a name you are happy with, then find the closest extension available you on the right track to success.

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